# Computational Multiphase Physics (CoMPhy) Welcome to the CoMPhy Lab's documentation hub! We are based at the Physics of Fluids Department at the University of Twente, where we explore non-Newtonian free-surface flows and soft matter singularities. ## About Us See: [About us](https://comphy-lab.org/about) ## Published Notes and Documentation ### Blog posts: #### 2025 ##### Capillary waves: 2025-01-11 [[Features-of-capillary-waves-during-asymmetric-bubble-coalescence]]: Analysis of capillary wave dynamics during bubble coalescence, focusing on energy transfer and wave propagation mechanisms. ### Code Documentation #### 2024 ##### H-B formulation: 2024-12-31 [[Herschel–Bulkley formulation]]: Mathematical formulation of the Herschel-Bulkley model for non-Newtonian flows, with emphasis on yield stress fluids. ### Lecture notes: #### 2025 ##### Gauss' Law: 2025-01-21 [[Gauss law of Electrostatics]]: Analysis of electric field flux through different surfaces using Gauss's law, with visual demonstrations. ### Seminar talks/resources: #### 2025 ##### Seminar-UIUC 2025-01-19 [[Seminar-UIUC-abstract]]: UIUC fluid seminar abstract exploring polymeric flows as a tunable testbed for unsteady, nonlinear continuum mechanics. ## Connect With Us - 🌐 Website: [comphy-lab.org](http://www.comphy-lab.org) - 📧 Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - 🐦 Twitter: [@VatsalSanjay](https://twitter.com/VatsalSanjay) - 💻 GitHub: [github.com/VatsalSy](https://github.com/VatsalSy) ## Contributing We welcome contributions from researchers, students, and collaborators. Here's how you can contribute: 1. **Issues**: Found a problem or have a suggestion? Choose an option below: - [🗣️ Request a new blog topic](https://github.com/comphy-lab/CoMPhy-Lab-Blogs/issues/new?template=blog_topic_request.md&labels=blog-request,enhancement) - [📚 Request documentation](https://github.com/comphy-lab/CoMPhy-Lab-Blogs/issues/new?template=documentation_request.md&labels=documentation) - [🔍 Report content correction](https://github.com/comphy-lab/CoMPhy-Lab-Blogs/issues/new?template=content_correction.md&labels=correction) 2. **Pull Requests**: Want to contribute directly? - Fork the repository - Make your changes (it can simply be correcting grammar or making a new post - simply write in plain text or markdown format and add it to the root folder). - Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes Visit our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/comphy-lab/CoMPhy-Lab-Blogs) to get started. --- *Note: This documentation is maintained by the CoMPhy Lab team and is regularly updated with our latest research findings and computational methods.* > [!meta] Back to main website > [Home](https://comphy-lab.org/), [Team](https://comphy-lab.org/team), [Research](https://comphy-lab.org/research), [Github](https://github.com/comphy-lab)